United States Real Estate Investor

United States Real Estate Investor

United States Real Estate Investor

United States Real Estate Investor

United States Real Estate Investor

United States Real Estate Investor

at year's end 2021 recap happy hour

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United States Real Estate Investor - Real estate investing media - At Year's End 2021 Happy Hour Live Stream

United States Real Estate Investor presents

at year's end 2021 recap happy hour

2021 Recap (2022 forward look, coming trends, and more)

As 2021 comes to quite a close, we feel the need to bid it a fond farewell in various ways. Hosted by Antonio Holman, founder of United States Real Estate Investor, this lighthearted event was streamed LIVE on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and unitedstatesrealestateinvestor.com.

Hang out “happy hour” style with our guests panelists to recap the old year’s big REI industry events and to look ahead to the coming industry trends we see on the horizon in real estate investing, coaching, media production, content creation, marketing, sales, lead generation, lending, virtual assistance, and more.

Appearing Guest Panelists: Lori Sharpsteen, Pyles N Ward, Lawrence Hopkins, Rufus Thibodeaux Jr., Tom Black, Johnoson Crutchfield, and Nisla Love.

This event is sponsored by Longhorn Investments.


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