Terrence LaMont Bellows
A spiritual individual understanding sustaining the physical.
We Are Valuable Media is the parent company of all that I am involved in. We are an organization, online based on YouTube and we utilize Facebook pages and groups as well as Facebook Live to provide a positive and enlightening service to the world. As well as live, in-person coaching, lecturing, and counseling services. For groups, children or one-on-one. I am an ordained minister and a teacher and author. We love to share our understanding with people who are having spiritual, religious, elevating, life-changing experiences.
With We Are Valuable Media we reach thousands of people weekly with positive, thought provoking and intelligent news that actually improves peoples lives. Effectively establishing the video selfie revolution, WAVm is a collaborative effort of which I am creator, and Editor-in-Chief. We Are slowly changing the way people understand and use social media.
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