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California Chaos (Residents Revolt Against Airbnb)

California Chaos (Residents Revolt Against Airbnb) - house party on a neighborhood street in Long Beach, California
Long Beach neighborhoods are fighting back against unsupervised short-term rentals, with residents petitioning for bans to protect their communities.
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Key Takeaways

  • Long Beach neighborhoods are actively petitioning to ban unhosted short-term rentals due to safety and community concerns.
  • Successful petitions have led to regulatory changes, impacting real estate investors who own and operate these properties.
  • The movement against unhosted STRs is gaining momentum, with potential implications for the broader real estate market.
California Chaos (Residents Revolt Against Airbnb) - Long Beach, California city council meeting

LONG BEACH, California – A growing number of neighborhoods in Long Beach, California, are pushing for bans on unsupervised short-term rentals (STRs) due to rising concerns over safety and community disruption.

Residents, led by local advocacy groups, are utilizing city ordinances to combat the negative impacts of unhosted STRs, such as Airbnb, on their communities.

Neighborhood Action and Advocacy

Christina Nigrelli, co-founder of the Long Beach Safe Neighborhood Coalition, has been at the forefront of the movement against unhosted STRs.

She filed a petition with the city council to ban these rentals in her neighborhood after experiencing numerous issues with neighboring tenants, including drug use and late-night parties.

Andy Oliver, another resident, successfully led a similar petition in the College Estates neighborhood, resulting in the first official ban on unhosted STRs in Long Beach.

His efforts were driven by a shooting incident involving a guest from an STR property.

City Regulations and Resident Concerns

Long Beach’s current regulations, established in 2020, allow for up to 1,000 unhosted STRs.

However, a provision permits neighborhoods to petition for bans if they secure signatures from more than half of their residents.

Despite this, residents like Nigrelli and Oliver argue that the city’s enforcement measures are inadequate and place an undue burden on local communities.

Nigrelli’s coalition has garnered support from other neighborhoods facing similar issues, and the movement has extended beyond Long Beach, with inquiries coming from other states such as North Carolina and Florida.

Impact on Real Estate Investment

The pushback against unhosted STRs raises significant questions for real estate investors.

Many STR properties are owned by investors and LLCs, who now face increased scrutiny and potential regulatory changes.

The bans could affect rental income and property values, altering the investment landscape in affected areas.

City Response and Future Actions

The Long Beach Community Development Department is currently reviewing additional petitions from nine other neighborhoods, with responses expected by June.

The outcome of these petitions could set a precedent for other cities dealing with similar issues, prompting broader regulatory changes in the STR market.


The actions of Long Beach residents highlight a growing trend of communities taking measures to preserve neighborhood safety and integrity.

As more neighborhoods successfully petition against unhosted STRs, real estate investors must adapt to changing regulations and consider the long-term impacts on their investment strategies.

The balance between generating rental income and maintaining community standards will continue to be a pivotal issue in the real estate industry.

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