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Property Profits Prep and Planning (Co-mingling funds, paying yourself first, business structure)

Property Profits Prep and Planning with Nisla Love and Armond Croom
Gain insights into effective budgeting, the impact of choosing the right business structure, and proactive tax strategies in real estate. Essential knowledge for maximizing your financial success.
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Table of Contents

Get ready for another enlightening session of Property Profits Prep and Planning!

This episode is a treasure trove of financial wisdom specifically tailored for real estate professionals.

Dive into the intricacies of business structures, budgeting, and tax planning with our expert co-hosts.

👉 What’s Inside This Episode?

Savvy Saving and Budgeting: Uncover the secrets to effective financial management in real estate. Learn why paying yourself first makes a difference!
Business Structure Breakdown: Explore why choosing the right business structure, like an S-Corp, can significantly impact your real estate journey.
Tax Planning Tactics: Maximize your deductions and minimize financial losses and liabilities. Get ahead with proactive tax strategies!

🎙️ Meet Our Co-hosts:
Nisla Love: Your go-to expert from Choose Love Solutions, ready to guide you through tax maximization strategies.

Armond Croom: From Croom Financial, bringing his wealth of knowledge in financial planning and real estate investment.

💡 Why Watch This Episode?
Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, understanding the nuances of financial planning and tax preparation is key to your success. Our hosts, Nisla and Armond, share their expertise to help you navigate the complexities of 2024’s financial landscape.

🔗 Connect
Got questions or want more insights? Reach out to our hosts directly:

Nisla Love: Choose Love Solutions
Armond Croom: Croom Financial

📅 Mark Your Calendar
Remember, early planning is your path to prosperity! Tune in, take notes, and transform your financial strategies for the year ahead.

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Pay Yourself First: A Key Strategy for Business Owners

As a business owner, managing finances can often feel like walking a tightrope.

Balancing the needs of your business with your personal financial health is crucial.

One of the fundamental principles in personal finance, and particularly poignant for entrepreneurs, is the concept of paying yourself first. But what does it mean, and why is it so important?

Understanding the Concept

Paying yourself first isn’t just a financial move; it’s a mindset. It means prioritizing your own financial future before handling business expenses, debts, or reinvestments. This approach might seem counterintuitive at first, especially when you’re driven to pour every resource back into your business. However, it’s a crucial strategy for long-term financial stability.

Benefits of Paying Yourself First

  1. Financial Security: Regularly setting aside money for yourself ensures that you have a financial cushion. This can be particularly valuable during slow business periods or unexpected downturns.

  2. Personal Wealth Building: By paying yourself first, you’re consistently contributing to your personal savings or investment accounts, leading to long-term wealth accumulation.

  3. Improved Business Budgeting: When you pay yourself first, you get a clearer picture of what’s truly available for business expenses, leading to more effective budget management.

  4. Stress Reduction: Knowing that your personal finances are secure can reduce stress and allow you to focus more on business growth.

  5. Avoiding Overinvestment in the Business: It’s easy to get caught up in reinvesting everything back into the business. Paying yourself first helps maintain a healthy boundary between business and personal finances.

How to Implement this Strategy

  1. Determine a Reasonable Salary: Assess your personal expenses and set a salary that covers these while being sustainable for the business.

  2. Automate Your Salary: Set up automatic transfers to your personal account. This ensures consistency and removes the temptation to skip or reduce your pay.

  3. Adjust as Your Business Grows: Regularly review and adjust your salary as your business evolves. As profits increase, so can your personal compensation.

  4. Consider Retirement Contributions: Part of paying yourself should include contributions to a retirement plan, securing your financial future.

  5. Maintain Separate Accounts: Always keep personal and business finances separate. This simplifies accounting and tax processes.


Paying yourself first is a powerful strategy that secures not just your personal financial future but also contributes to a more structured and disciplined approach to business finances.

It’s about making sure that as your business grows, so do your personal financial security and wealth. Implementing this practice early on in your entrepreneurial journey sets a foundation for financial success and peace of mind.

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