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Showme Trash Is Showing How To Build A Better, Cleaner Saint Louis, Missouri

Carline and Kingsley Adah of Showme Trash, St. Louis, Missouri
What does the St. Louis area need right now? Well, we need unity. We need conscious thinking by people who actually want to see a change. A change is needed indeed, but not a change that only involves one group of people. We need a multicultural shift in awareness of who we are as individuals; as a people.
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“With parts of the city of St. Louis, Missouri in what seems to be a perpetual state of subsistence, there are still important people in the city who are determined to achieve lasting, life-changing goals that have the power to transform blight into a clean, skilled future. Showme Trash are those important people.”

—Antonio Holman
United States Real Estate Investor

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Showme Trash Is Showing How To Build A Better, Cleaner Saint Louis, Missouri

What does the St. Louis area need right now? Well, we need unity. We need conscious thinking by people who actually want to see a change. A change is needed indeed, but not a change that only involves one group of people. We need a multicultural shift in awareness of who we are as individuals; as a people. The way we think about each other and the way we think about ourselves is what causes the entire engine of every industry, every system, and every organization to move. Right now, I am really excited to have the chance to interact with people who have high potential. It’s truly thrilling to see people who want to help others have healthy experiences in many different kinds of situations. These same people are also assisting others in improving their lives, therefore eventually reaping unimaginable, karmic benefits.

Showme Trash Junk Removal, St. Louis, Missouri

Showme Trash Junk Removal, St. Louis, Missouri

This is a great opportunity for me to introduce you to some people who are definitely walking this talk. I’d like to introduce you to Kingsley and Carline Adah who struck out on their own and took a chance. The Adahs started a business in the time of COVID-19. During a pandemic, this married couple saw a need in the market they could fill. Their business is called Showme Trash, which of course, is a play on the Missouri slogan being the “Show-Me” state, and also a focus one of their marketing messages being, “Show us your trash and we’ll take care of it.”

Showme Trash Junk Removal, St. Louis, Missouri

As I observed them, I noticed that they are a highly effective team as they work to help people clear out spaces in connection to all things real estate. Some people may think that being married may be a detriment to a business. What I see in the husband and wife team of Showme Trash is that they have a strong unified system. As I interviewed the Adahs, I noticed that they are a synergistic unit who work off of each other, which I must say, was a beautiful experience.


Showme Trash has developed a great system and are prepared to take care of large undertakings such as a hoarder house or abandoned rental properties as well as small clean-out jobs. I had the opportunity to sit down with them and talk to them about their business, what it’s like to work together as spouses, and their deeper mission. I am pleased to say that Showme Trash’s focus is to give back to the community.

Showme Trash Junk Removal, St. Louis, Missouri

When you’re able to see opportunity then make something that not only benefits you but also benefits others, that is the essence of business and the American dream, which is alive and well within Showme Trash. Although they have only been in business for a few months, Showme Trash is experiencing above-average success. I am proud to say that when I first met these personable individuals, I considered them friends, which feels like the immediate correlation to their beginning accomplishments. The real estate investment market in the St. Louis area is fantastically large with truly no shortage of opportunity here. Many people are seeing this and most of them are property investors and wholesalers; people looking for a contract to pass real estate property from one person to another in any legal way they can. What I’m observing though is that those people need community, ground floor support in almost every aspect.

Showme Trash Junk Removal, St. Louis, Missouri

Being not originally from this area, one of the first shocking things I noticed upon arriving was seeing so many buildings and houses that were abandoned, burned out, or those that seemed dangerously derelict, yet were still occupied. Puzzled at such massive neglect of properties, I felt that there had to be something that could be done. I then thought to myself that somehow, this golden opportunity could be realized for what it truly is. That sudden awareness is what led my interest into the real estate industry. I’m writing this article because I had the grand opportunity to meet and learn from individuals who are giving back to the community, empowering the youth in these neighborhoods, and who are true agents of growth, support, and positive change.

Carline Adah has a day job if you will where she works with teens in the social services industry. As the director of her social services department, she can connect teens who some may refer to as at-risk or disenfranchised with the work she does in Showme Trash. Showme Trash can bring these youth into their company through their leadership program that teaches them how to communicate properly in business settings as well as how to be effective members of a team. Extraordinary! This is really what is needed in St. Louis. Right now, we need more people like Carline and Kingsley; people who want to strengthen the community, while providing the opportunity to connect with a business necessity that is present. I see the tremendous future in Showme Trash. I believe that what we have right now in this city and surrounding areas is an emerging power of positivity that shouldn’t be ignored, but should be nurtured greatly. As members of the St. Louis real estate investing community, I believe we can bring our metro areas together in forward-thinking ways like what Showme Trash has developed while strengthening those in need to become the greatness we see in ourselves.

Showme Trash Junk Removal, St. Louis, Missouri

As they continue to operate Showme Trash in a highly effective manner, Carline and Kingsley both make important, personal connections with the youth they mentor in showing them how to work as a team and to see the value within themselves. What I have noticed within Showme Trash’s leadership and entrepreneurship program is that thorough communication is key to reaching young people who need solid guidance, confidence, and a great connection with people they know they can trust such as Carline and Kingsley Adah of Showme Trash.

Carline and Kingsley Adah of Showme Trash, St. Louis, Missouri

Carline and Kingsley Adah of Showme Trash, St. Louis, Missouri, showmetrash.com

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