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Sol Goldman New York Lawsuit (Family Feud Over Real Estate Empire)

Sol Goldman New York Lawsuit (Family Feud Over Real Estate Empire)
Intense legal battle rages within the Goldman family over the control and valuation of their extensive New York City real estate empire, reflecting deep-rooted family and business complexities.
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Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Family Power Struggle: A classic tale of a family feud, with siblings and heirs contesting for control of a significant real estate empire.
  • Disputed Business Practices: Allegations of appraisal manipulation and unilateral decision-making highlight governance issues in family businesses.
  • Real Estate Valuation in Focus: The lawsuit puts a spotlight on the complexities and potential conflicts in valuing large, privately-held real estate portfolios.
Sol Goldman New York Lawsuit (Family Feud Over Real Estate Empire) - Judge's chambers and gavel

Sol Goldman Real Estate Legacy Lands in Court

In the heart of New York City, a legal drama unfolds that rivals any fictional portrayal of family and fortune.

The heirs of Sol Goldman, once a titan of New York real estate, are now entangled in a bitter legal battle.

At the core of this dispute lies the control and valuation of a vast property empire, a legacy left by Sol Goldman.

This report delves into the intricate web of family dynamics, business interests, and legal challenges that have surfaced in the wake of a family feud with high stakes in the world of New York real estate.

The Dispute

  • Plaintiffs and Allegations: The legal battle involves Sol Goldman’s heirs, specifically his daughter Amy Goldman Fowler, grandson Steven Gurney-Goldman, and another daughter, Jane Goldman. The plaintiffs accuse Jane of unilaterally taking control of the family’s real estate business, Solil Management, following the death of their brother Allan Goldman in 2022​​.
  • Jane Goldman’s Response: Jane Goldman, through her attorney, has denied the allegations, describing them as sensationalistic and baseless​​.
  • Family Business Structure: Sol Goldman left control of his empire, Sol Goldman Investments, to his four children. While all had equal shares, the business was primarily managed by Jane, Allan, and a company employee, Louisa Little​​.
  • Operational Disputes: After Allan’s death, Amy was supposed to assume his management role. However, the lawsuit alleges Jane sidelined Amy, appointing Little as an independent trustee and excluding Amy from management decisions​​.

Related Facts

Sol Goldman, the patriarch and founder of this vast empire, began his journey in real estate at the young age of 16.

He started by purchasing foreclosed properties, offering $500 in cash for each building.

To gather the funds, he went around his neighborhood collecting $50 from different people.

This early venture laid the foundation for what would become New York City’s largest private real estate empire, valued at $1 billion at the time of his death in 1987.

The portfolio included iconic properties like the Chrysler Building and the Stanhope Hotel.

Core Issues

  • Valuation Dispute: The lawsuit centers on the valuation of the Goldman portfolio, which includes over 250 properties. The plaintiffs argue that Jane manipulated appraisals to purchase their shares at a lower price, using a biased appraisal firm, Newmark​​.
  • Character Allegations: Amy and Steven portray Jane in a negative light, accusing her of using company resources for personal benefit and of being a micro-manager with an unpredictable temper​.
  • Business Performance Under Scrutiny: The lawsuit questions Jane’s business acumen, suggesting that under her leadership, the business stagnated and did not keep pace with the broader New York real estate market​.


This legal dispute underscores the complexity and challenges of managing a large family-owned real estate empire.

The allegations of unilateral control, mismanagement, and appraisal manipulation reflect deeper issues related to family dynamics, business governance, and the valuation of vast real estate holdings.

The outcome of this lawsuit could have significant implications for the control and future direction of one of New York City’s most extensive private real estate portfolios.


  • Heirs Sue Solil Management’s Jane Goldman in Family Feud – The Real Deal.
  • Sol Goldman heirs sue family, seeking greater input in multi-billion dollar portfolio – PincusCo.

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